Morning larks and night owls
Check out my piece at The Conversation that highlights some exciting recent advances in the field of circadian biology, including Michael...

2018 Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award
Thanks to the Biophysical Society for their recognition as the 2018 Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Awardee! This award honors the memory of...

Come for the chemistry, stay for the bonding
Thanks to the steering committee of the 2018 University of California Chemical Symposium for their invitation to be a Keynote Speaker for...

Art for the 2018 meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms
Congratulations to Laura-Ana Cuciureanu for her winning logo art submission for the 2018 SRBR meeting, representing some of the top model...

BioClock Studio Interview
Thanks to Susan Golden and the HHMI BioClock Studio at UC San Diego for this fun interview. My student interviewer, Rahil Hamza, and the...

Fixing our body's broken clocks
The Science Communcation Program at UC Santa Cruz has produced professional science writers since 1981. Our lab was recently featured in...

2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine goes to circadian biology researchers!
Congratulations to the recipients of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Michael Rosbash and Jeffrey Hall (Brandeis...

Kraw Lecture Series
Thanks to George (Cowell '71, history and Russian literature) and Rafe Kraw for sponsoring an exciting new lecture series on science and...

A protein switch controls biofilm architecture
Congrats to Alicia Michael and Nicole Parsley for their work on our collaborative project with Fitnat Yildiz's lab at UCSC -- our paper...