Jurassic Partch
A very belated congrats to the lab on their awesome group costume as Jurassic Partch, which took the top prize in the UCSC Physical...

New BLIng in the lab
Many (many) thanks to our Program Officer Mike Sesma at the NIGMS for funding our request for an Octet RED96e Biolayer Interferometry...

Workshop on Molecular Clocks
I'm excited for the upcoming workshop at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Mainz, Germany -- the line-up of speakers draws from all...

Putting the BS in ICMRBS
Thanks to Chandralal Hewage and the scientific organizing committee of the 28th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in...

Congratulations to Carlo!
A hearty congratulations to Gian Carlo Parico, who was awarded a predoctoral Gilliam Fellowship from HHMI! This program seeks to support...

Thanks to the 2018 Program Planning Committee of the 32nd Annual Protein Society meeting for an invitation to speak this year. It was fun...

2018 Summer Research Internship Program
I can't believe that another summer has already passed, which means that we've had yet another fun week with our SRI Interns! Thanks to...

Saying goodbye Ali and Kier!
We had a lab happy hour to say goodbye to Ali and Kier, who are leaving the lab to move on to bigger and better things. Megan arranged...

Oscillators everywhere!
I just got back from the most amazing meeting at the EMBL Advanced Training Center in Heidelberg, Germany. Three days of talks on...

Congrats to a few lab superstars!
A hearty congratulations to undergraduates Megan Torgrimson and Ivette Perez for their recent awards! Megan was awarded a highly...