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NMR Data Acquisition & Analysis
Low conductivity buffers that are ideal for use in cryoprobed NMR spectrometers
based on this fantastic paper: Kelly AE et al. (2002) JACS 124: 12013-22
Low conductivity buffers that are ideal for use in cryoprobed NMR spectrometers
based on this fantastic paper: Kelly AE et al. (2002) JACS 124: 12013-22
Transferring assignments between peaklists in NMRViewJ

Titration analysis tutorial for NMRViewJ
a bit outdated, but still helpful
Analyzing peak intensity in NMRViewJ
general tips on measuring peak intensities
Processing interleaved 2D ZZ exchanged datasets
extracting 2D data from different array modes (dso, phase or phase, dso)
processing interleaved datasets
Fitting peak intensities from ZZ exchange datasets:
MATLAB script for analysis of ZZ exchange data: doi:10.17632/w7ytgp2y9d.2
Various ZZ exchange datasets can be found at Mendeley Data (e.g., doi:10.17632/4txk4b3w5g.2)
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