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A 'CRYptic' beginning to the mammalian clock

Aziz Sancar

Special thanks to Dongping Zhong, who is organizing a special issue of Photochemistry and Photobiology in honor of Aziz Sancar, 2015 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. While Aziz was recognized by the Nobel committee for his contributions to the mechanistic description of DNA repair by nucleotide excision repair and photolyase systems, his legacy continues with study of cryptochromes, photolyase homologs that are essential for circadian timekeeping.

Alicia, Jenny and I had fun putting together a piece on animal cryptochromes with Russ Van Gelder from the University of Washington. It was a real honor to get the chance to contribute to this special issue. The review is in press now -- we'll get it posted on the website soon!

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